Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Playing Dead

Working Stiffs: Playing Dead on TV Can Keep a Career on Life Support -

My father was watching an old rerun of the Hart to Hart TV series from the early 80's and commented that playing a dead body in such a show must be a terrible gig. Actually, he didn't say gig because he is 72, so I'm paraphrasing obviously. I then thought about this article that I'd read and started smiling as I told him about it. When you think about all of the cop drama shows and big explosion type movies which come out every year, you can plan on seeing lots of dead bodies and actors have to play a lot of them. Now you don't have to have Christopher Lambert's natural ability to be dead while actually repeating dialog because you won't be repeating dialog, but you do have to have the ability to shush and lie still. Keep in mind however, that some of these shows might have some humor injected into them so it will greatly benefit you to NOT laugh until the director says cut.

Don't get me wrong, being dead is not normally a subject to smile about but I'm talking about playing dead. Dabbing on some fake red blood can net you some green in the form of $100 a day or more. And who said you can't take it with you?

Smile until your face hurts!

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