Thursday, September 1, 2011

Does Not Make Me Smile

NOW he's frustrated with Congress?

He didn't have a problem with them when he and all of his cronies passed his healthcare legislation.

President Obama Says He Is 'Frustrated' With Congress and here is the link:

Instead of forcing the healthcare issue down our throats like they did, which most likely voters oppose

I wonder what our economy would look like today had he and those same cronies spent all of their energy on job creation when he first took office.

Oh yea, just for grins here is President Obama's current approval rating:

Now Mr. Obama is going to start his reelection rhetoric which is going to consist of CONGRESS SUCKS. Yea, WE KNOW THAT. Congress is partisan polarized against any idea/suggestion when that idea/suggestion comes from the other party. But THAT is Congress Mr. President. What have YOU done for us?

Well, Mr. President, you gave us Obamacare and the economy still sucks. You tried to convince America for a year on Obamacare but most of the country thought it was a bad idea and you essentially told us that you didn't care what the public wanted. What have you done for us Mr. President? You, YOURSELF, have contributed to the polarizing attitude in Washington AND in Congress. So Mr. President you say that YOU'RE FRUSTRATED?

Mr. President, AMERICA is frustrated because of politicians like yourself AND politicians on both sides of the aisle who ONLY look out for what is "good" for their own party.

I consider myself to be conservative on a lot of things but can see value when a good idea presents itself, but neither Republicans NOR Democrats NOR Tea Party NOR Green Party NOR any other party has a monopoly on great ideas.


Give me a break, you're not getting my pity. Will there ever be a time in our country, in MY country, The United States Of America where we can actually be UNITED in great ideas? Well hell, I don't know. When all I've seen for many years is partisan politics as usual, I'm afraid to say that I'll probably never see it in my life time.

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